Has The TVM Implant Deteriorated Your Quality of Life?

The Trans Vaginal Mesh or TVM is netlike implant used to treat pelvic floor proplase (POP) or stress urinary incontinence (STI). During the late 1990s, polypropylene vaginal mesh was considered as a revolutionary medical innovation meant for treating the patients suffering from these diseases. The doctors surgically implanted this netlike device into the weakened vaginal walls of the patient. It was theorized that tissues would grow through the perforated walls of the mesh creating extra support to the weakened vagina. The implant was supposed to be left inside the body.

However, many patients have complained about severe complications after the surgery. Some of the common transvaginal mesh complications include adhesion, bowel obstruction, irregular vaginal bleeding and so on. In most cases, patients suffer from chronic pain and discomfort that deteriorates the quality of life of the patients.

What’s next after TVM complications?

Women suffering from these complications lead a difficult life, with multiple health issues. In most cases, these women would require complex surgery to take out the mesh implant. In some cases, doctors are only able to partially remove the implant. According to experts, patients suffering from discomfort caused by the implant are eligible for compensation.

If you too are a victim of the transvaginal mesh complications, then approach Settle Our TVM. They are a trusted organization fighting legal battles on behalf of the patients suffering due to TVM. For more information, visit settleourtvm.com or call 1-888-994-2165.


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