How to File a Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit

Transvaginal meshes are medical devices that are implanted in the pelvic area; they provide support to weakened muscles and tissue areused in the treatment of conditions such as stress urinary incontinence as well as pelvic organ prolapse. Each year, close to 100,000 women get this particular implant every year across the globe.

Problems caused by synthetic meshes

When these synthetic meshes were first introduced into the market, they were considered to be a superior alternative to many other options available at the time. The manufacturers and distributors also marketed these products very aggressively and this led people to opt for synthetic mesh implants. The unfortunate part was that there was no clear mention of the risks and complications that could arise from the use of this medical device.

Since the product had been cleared by the FDA, medical professionals, as well as patients, presumed that these products were safe for use. All medical products and medications are required to go through a string of clinical trials and research before they can be cleared by the FDA and are released into the market.

Somehow these mesh products slipped through the cracks in the system and made it to the market. Medical professionals began recommending this implant treatment procedure to their patients in a big way. But the complications and problems started cropping up much later and many patients began complaining of pain, infections, bleeding and more.

Steps to follow for legal action

Over time it became evident that synthetic meshes caused a number of severe complications and the affected patients began filing transvaginal mesh lawsuits. We at SettleOurTVM, have handled a large number of similar cases for our clients. If you feel that the mesh you have gotten implanted has affected your health and caused complications, there are a number of different things you can do such as:

  • Visit your doctor and get a thorough exam done to determine what is causing the problem.
  • Before going forth with anything, focus on your health and get appropriate treatment.
  • Consult a legal expert that has handled bladder mesh lawsuit cases in the past and get their advice on your case.
  • All similar cases are subject to the existing Statute of Limitations and you are required to file the lawsuit within a certain timeframe (1-2 years).

If you want to know more about transvaginal mesh lawsuits and the legal options available to you, get in touch with us at SettleOurTVM today. You can call us at 1-888-994-2165 or use our online contact us form to reach us.


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