5 main complications of bladder slings

Many women, either after childbirth or menopause, suffer from pelvic organ prolapse. A study showed as many as half of all women have POP in their lifetime of who two percent suffers from severe health complications. Often the signs of POP are devastating and needs immediate surgical intervention. In the last decade, the use of bladder slings became very popular as it was easier to conduct and had faster recovery time. Unfortunately, there were plenty of reports about the bladder sling complications . Most of these side effects were about the mesh erosion, mesh contraction and mesh adhesion. Let's see the major complications one by one: Sling surgery is usually used in women to correct stress incontinence (incontinence is the condition where the patient involuntarily release urine during activities such as laughing or coughing). Unfortunately, the surgery can result in the patient suffering from urge incontinence, or the sudden and controllable need to urinate. One of...