How to get a Lawsuit on the Regular Basis?

Transvaginal mesh is a synthetic net-like device that is used to treat women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or Stress urinary inconsistency (SUI). The affliction can occur in women of all ages incapacitating the quality of everyday life by making sex, exercise or even urinating literally impossible. Before vaginal mesh, physicians followed the traditional procedure called native tissue repair where they used absorbable sutures. However, as the failure rate was more than 30%, medical professionals were in search of a better alternative to correct incontinence. In the early decades of 2000s, the mesh procedure was given a trial. Though transvaginal meshes were not tested properly , the pharmaceutical companies hardly resist themselves from bringing the device with catchy headlines in the market. Since then patients are using the device. It took eight years to the FDA to come up with a warning about the complications of the mesh. Nowadays, thou...